Monday, December 13, 2010

(Pt.6) Who We Are In Christ: We ARE Totally Righteous

Who We Are In Christ
We Are Totally Righteous!
Questions Answered (Pt.6)
My Dear Brothers & Sisters... Not only do we receive forgiveness through our faith in Christ, we also receive "righteousness" -- the righteousness of "Christ". Through faith in Christ, we "exchange" our unrighteousness for "His" perfect righteousness.

Everything concerning our 
"Identity in Christ" is 
ALL about Jesus!
Resting in the righteousness of Jesus Christ frees us from the impossible task of trying to keep ourselves "clean" before God. How many of us understand this? How many of us have been taught by various religions influenced by Catholicism that we must "perform" to maintain our very salvation? Let's take a look at a few scriptures that will hopefully clarify a few things in our own minds:
Romans 3:21-22 ~ But now apart from the Law the righteousness of God has been manifested, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all those who believe; for there is no distinction;
As always, scripture is what so many would consider painfully clear in what it says concerning out righteousness. It says plainly that righteousness is from God. Not in what you do, what I do, or what anyone else does. Our righteousness is from God!

This scripture also reveals that we cannot become righteous by observing the Law. Scripture says our righteousness from God is "apart from the Law". So, if our righteousness does not come from the Law, where does it come from? Kinda easy to figure when looking at the above scripture: Our righteousness comes through faith in Jesus Christ to ALL that believe! Notice belief is different than faith... All the demon believe, but they lack faith. They believe in Jesus, and had faith in satan... See the difference? Our righteousness come from Christ when we both believe and have faith in Christ... Amen...
2 Corinthians 5:21 ~ "He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him."
Christ did not have any sin within Him but God made Christ to be sin on our behalf. In taking that sin of ours, Christ took it "all". Not one sin was left behind for us to scuffle with. What do you truly think would happen to the world if Christ had left one sin for us to conquer on our own? Well, I don't think He would have had too much trouble building the new city... There wouldn't be anyone to occupy the place (Heaven).

It's important to take note of in our hearts and minds, that because of that special exchange Jesus made on our behalf, and ONLY because of that loving and painful exchange did "we" benefit from obtaining the very "righteousness of God" - "IN CHRIST"! It is only "IN CHRIST" this is obtained!

So... If we have actually become the righteousness of God by being born again, how righteous are we? We are FULLY, 100%, without lacking anything, with nothing to add, we are FULLY and TOTALLY Righteous, In Christ! Nothing left to even improve upon concerning your righteousness that Jesus has provided you and I.
Romans 4:5 ~ "But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as righteousness..."
Here is some simple facts that "religion" tends to disagree with in one form or many others:

God justifies the wicked. Man is not justified by any aspect of his works. He is justified by trusting in God. "Faith is credited as righteousness to those who believe in Christ." No person can gain righteousness through their good works. Not Pope John, Mother Teresa, Mother Mary, nor Matt nor anyone else. It is "God's" Righteousness of which we are given!
Romans 5:17 ~ "For if by the transgression of the one, death reigned through the one, much more those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ."
What a wonderful scripture!!! ... As a result of one mans sin, "death" had reign over us. Everyone was affected by this sin of one man. NO ONE was excluded from the dreaded judgment as a result of the sinful nature (our guarantee that we WILL sin). This is the most dreadful news to mankind... As there was but one verdict on the day of judgment... "Guilty!"

But the next part demonstrates the saving power of a loving, mighty and Graceful God: If we receive His Grace (Jesus Christ), one of God's gifts to us is "His" righteousness! This righteousness "reigns in life"! That means we are now free to live with the knowledge that we have an eternal acceptance that cannot be challenged by anything on this earth or beyond... We are "free"... Set apart from the wages of sin and death, because no longer are we identified as "sinners"... We are now identified as sons and daughters of God... Saints forevermore! Glory to God! Our mind have a hard time wrapping around that little tid-but of Truth doesn't it?
Philippians 3:8-9 ~ "More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ, and may be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own derived from the Law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith..."
As Paul was all too famous for, he weighs in on the subjects of righteousness by faith in Christ as opposed to righteousness by the Law (obeying the 10 Commandments among other Laws) in the above scripture. Paul says that righteousness that comes from obeying the Law as "rubbish" (trash). Not that obeying God's Law is a bad thing... Not at all! But "our ability" to achieve righteousness through perfect obedience? It's not even a remote possibility. No human on earth, except Jesus Christ, was or ever will be able to obtain righteousness through perfect obedience. NONE! It makes no matter how "good" we think we are... On our own, the best we will ever do is be a stench in God's nostrils...

The only righteousness Paul found valuable was "the righteousness that comes 'from God' on the basis of faith"! Who's righteousness would you rather have? Be honest... Look deep within yourself. Is there ANY given time when you think you could measure up on your own? I'm talking right now, even if you've been a Christian for 40 years... If you started right now, could you perfectly adhere to the perfect Law of God?

For years, I was asked if I "had sin in my life that I sought to justify" through my understanding of God's Grace. You see, there are people I know right now that actually think this whole concept of God's Grace is to accommodate a sinful lifestyle (license to sin). And for quite a while I denied having sin in my life. My answer would always be, "No."

What an incredible lie.

The facts of the matter is, no matter how hard I try, and whether you want to admit it or not, no matter how hard "you" try, we will NEVER stand perfect before the Law of God! Therefore, yes. I do have sin in my life. I have re-occurring sin in my life... And so do you... Each and EVERY ONE of you... THAT, coupled with the Truth God is trying to communicate to us, is the reasons why we need to correctly discern this matter of God's Grace... It will be the ONLY thing that frees your spirit and allow you to live joyfully in God's Service, both in this physical life, and our spiritual lives to come!
"Yes. I do have sin in my life. I have reoccurring sin in my life... And so do you... Each and EVERY ONE of you... THAT, coupled with the Truth God is trying to communicate to us, is the reasons why we need to correctly discern this matter of God's Grace... It will be the ONLY thing that frees your spirit and allow you to live joyfully in God's Service, both in this physical life, and our spiritual lives to come!"
As revealed in the scripture above, the only way to receive the righteousness of God is by faith in Christ and His finished work at Calvary, for you and for me. A most important question we can now ask ourselves in the light of the combined Truths of the Gospels is, "Are we willing to give up our feeble efforts and 'rest' in His free gift of righteousness today?" IF you are standing 100% in the righteousness of "Jesus Christ", you are 100% acceptable to God!
"The only way to receive the righteousness of God 
is by faith in Christ and His finished work at Calvary!"
Ephesians 1:6 ~ " the praise of the glory of His Grace, which He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved."
This scripture reveals that God's acceptance of us is NOT something we can establish on our own, but rather it is Jesus Christ that has provided our acceptance. When we realize we are truly only accepted and made righteous through God, we should be able to relate to Him freely, willingly and with assurance that His acceptance of us cannot be threatened.

"A most important question we can now ask ourselves in the light of the combined Truths of the Gospels is, 'Are we willing to give up our feeble efforts and 'rest' in His free gift of righteousness today?' IF you are standing 100% in the righteousness of "Jesus Christ", you are 100% acceptable to God!"

It is important to understand that the righteousness of God is not just another gift He gives us. Righteousness is given in the form of a person - Jesus Christ, the "Righteous One"! Glory to God! Can I get an amen up in here?!?!
Romans 1:16-17 ~ "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, "BUT THE RIGHTEOUS man SHALL LIVE BY FAITH."
Why is Paul not ashamed of the Gospel? Because it is the power of God! The Gospel reveals the righteousness of God from faith... to FAITH! You receive the righteousness of God... BY FAITH! Those that have received the righteousness of God are now to live... BY FAITH! Are we now resting in the righteousness we have received from God, as a child of God... BY FAITH?

Scripture is as clear as the noon day sun after a good rain, that NO ONE will ever be declared righteous in God's sight through obedience to the Law of God (the most famous and motivational being the 10 Commandments). So, God, in His Grace and Mercy, did for us what we could not do for ourselves. He imputed to us His righteousness by coming to live in us!

It is because of Him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God - that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption (1Corinthians 1:30). As a result? We stand in His presence totally and eternally loved and accepted.

Praise the Name of The Lord, Jesus Christ!

~~~Coming Up Next? We Are Reconciled~~~

"What 'motivates' You?"


FresnoJoe said...


"Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen." Jude 1:24-25


Matt Thompson said...

PLEASE take notice anew of all this, my Brothers. The words in this writ have not changed... but they hold NEW purpose for you.

I love you All...